The Mount Pleasant Junior Winter Guard
The Mount Pleasant JV B Winter Guard
The Mount Pleasant JV A Winter Guard
The Mount Pleasant Varsity Winter Guard
Mount Pleasant ISD Winter Guards continue winning the season.
All four MPISD Winter Guard teams were back on the competition floor at In
Dallas Examiner
Juanita Craft’s legacy lives on in South Dallas and NAACP youth
Dallas natives have described Juanita Craft as an icon who had great influence on the Civil Rights Movement. In an effort to keep her name and legacy alive, local groups have committed to restoring her home where she taught youth about civil rights during a time of racial tension and unrest, while a local youth group has committed to carrying mission on the to the next generation.
On Feb. 9, 1902, in Round Rock, Juanita Craft was born and her legacy began.
Her work in the Dallas community as a civil rights advocate and a politician coined her as one of the most influential activists in her community, according to Craft’s biography.