Welcome back. Time for the last word. Jim chanos is our guest today. We started out talking about china. Why dont we end up there, too . Avoid anything with the chinese property markets, steel, cement, iron ore. Can you short australia too, jim . Certain parts of australia are going to feel this, not the whole country. This is the bubble is just being blown bigger and bigger and bigger and it is hard to avoid. Three years ago this was somewhat controversial but when a property bubble is visual, you cant miss it. Emerging markets somewhat dependent on china, too . Asia . Depends. Some are. Some less so than others. To be on your radar screen. Should just be careful, anything dependent upon the chinese economic miracle, i would be careful of. Bigger shorts on, stuff we have been talking about for years . Broadening out from china to construction equipment, things like that. Jim, thank you very much for being here in studio. Always a pleasure. Andrew, jeremy siegel, thank you guys so much