Union-aligned Democrats were set to introduce legislation Wednesday mandating a statewide $25 minimum wage for health workers and support staffers, likely setting up a pitched battle with hospitals, nursing homes and dialysis clinics.
The Sacramento Public Library system is asking patrons for feedback to help inform its next Facilities Master Plan, which guides improvements and expansions to existing and new library buildings.
Most new pathogens up to 75% come from animals. They’re often viruses that have been circulating in animals for decades, even centuries. At some point, they may jump or “spill over” into people.
Laguna Beach recently bought the former St. Catherine of Siena Parish School for $23 million. Many thought it seemed a reasonable price for 6.5 acres of coastal land with 39,500 square feet of school buildings. But that’s the money part. Laguna Beach Indy columnist Skip Hellewell wondered about the human side of the story, did a little digging, and found not one but two parochial schools in Laguna, each with a lost story.