This week, the City of Laguna Beach released a lengthy and comprehensive list of its initiatives and achievements throughout 2022 to mark the beginning of the new year. - Ed.
It’s been an honor and privilege serving as your mayor over the last year. Engaging with this incredible community on so many levels has been a wonderful experience. I look forward to continuing to serve our City in the coming year and working with new Councilmembers Mark Orgill and Alex Rounaghi, who were sworn in during last Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
Hey, Laguna! It's your thrifty cousin next door, Aliso Viejo! Just popping into your local paper to wish you a happy and healthy new year! We're grateful to be your neighbor and to live so close to such a beautiful and cultured place! Did you know that you're our favorite city? Sorry, Laguna Woods!
It’s the shortest day of the year, and I’m on my kayak, threading the reefs at low tide. It’s sunbaked, windless and still, the small surges spreading languidly over the rocks, only to collapse back onto themselves and gently into the sea. Sit long enough, and you become part of the rhythm, undulating up and down and taken where the sea wants you. And when you look down at the crystal-clear winter waters beneath, you grasp the power of nature to regenerate and renew. It’s magnificent and a perfect place to ruminate over the close of another year and the start of a new one.