Remembering Barbara Diamond, a revered Laguna Beach reporter
Barbara Diamond, a former Coastline Pilot writer, reported on the city of Laguna Beach for several decades.
(File Photo)
Over several decades, local journalist Barbara Diamond connected the people of Laguna Beach through her writing.
Diamond died in her home on Diamond Street on Feb. 10 at the age of 88.
The recurring themes that have emerged since Diamond’s passing indicate how many lives she touched in the community. “Irreplaceable,” “one-of-a-kind,” and “Laguna Beach icon” are just some of the terms used to characterize what she meant to Laguna Beach.
“She could have gone anywhere that she wanted to, and she wanted to be in Laguna,” said Shaena Stabler, owner, editor and publisher of Stu News Laguna, where Diamond last worked. “She wanted to report on and support the community through her writing, and she really did give the gift of herself 40 years over because she was super tal
Laguna Beach Local News
Andrew Soliz in his showroom at Tatankamani.
While thousands of small businesses across the state have been forced to permanently shut down due to COVID-19âsome 19,000 according to a September Yelp economic reportâother local entrepreneurs have established new vocations.
According to Yelp’s local economic report, in California, âroughly 20 businesses per thousand temporarily or permanently (closed) their doors since March 1.â
But many others have opened. The pandemic actually inspired woodworker Andrew Soliz to open Tatankamani Woodworks last November in Laguna Canyon with the help of government subsidy money that allowed him to shift from his slowed down construction business to opening up his own shop.
Outdoor dining and personal services, such as hair salons and barbers, may resume immediately with required modifications, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday.
Senator Andreas Borgeas (R-Fresno), Senator Anna Caballero (D-Salinas), and Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach) unveiled new coalition support and legislative details of the Keep California Working Act earlier this morning during a virtual press conference.
The Keep California Working Act, otherwise known as Senate Bill 74, is a bipartisan small business relief package spearheaded by Senators Andreas Borgeas and Anna Caballero, and Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris. The bill invests $2.6 billion (or 10% of California’s projected windfall) in grants for small businesses and non-profits impacted by COVID-19.
The Keep California Working Act has garnered significant momentum in the Legislature with new co-authors signing on to the bill in recent weeks. A total of forty-one legislators, or more than one-third of the entire California Legislature, are now supporting the measure. This milestone signifies an opportunity for the Legislature to work together on small bus
Window decorating contest spreads holiday cheer in Laguna Beach
KRISTALLE was the grand prize winner in the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce’s holiday window decorating contest for its humorous display of bath tissue.
(Don Leach / Staff Photographer)
With the coronavirus pandemic, people have had little to celebrate like they will the end of 2020.
The result is a holiday season in which gathering is discouraged, and yet there are visuals that show how holiday cheer cannot be stifled.
The Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce held a window decorating contest, challenging participants to get creative with their designs and compete for the chance to have their business promoted.