sounds pretty clear to me. but now rudy giuliani is walking back those comments telling cnn that his statements that trump was in talks about trump tower moscow up until the election were hypothetical. and not based on conversations with the president. so why did he quote the president if it was hypothetical? why would he give a kroquote? but giuliani s lafts clarification doesn t change the fact that when michael cohen pleaded guilty to a charge from robert mueller in november he said those conversations went through june of 2016. so at least until june of 2016. that means trump was working on a deal in russia well into the campaign. so why did he say this? i know nothing about the inner workings of russia. i don t deal there. i have no businesses there. i don t know putin. have no business whatsoever with russia. have nothing to do with russia. i have nothing to do with russia, folks. they said maybe donald trump is