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If approved, the 2.86-acre north lot of the project would add 15,746 square feet of retail and restaurant space to the southwest corner of Baseline Road and Highway 42. The 3.55-acre south lot would add 37,995 square feet of office, retail and restaurant space to the northwest corner of Colorado Highway 42 and Paschal Drive. The two lots would be separated by a 14.36-acre parcel owned by a neighboring homeowners association.
For the project to move forward, the south lot would have to be rezoned to Community Business from Developing Resource.
Indian Peaks Marketplace is being developed by Boulder-based WW Reynolds.
The Lafayette City Council is poised to vote on a consent agenda Tuesday evening that includes the second reading of a measure to the medical-device maker’s final planned unit development plan. A consent agenda is a group of typically noncontroversial or housekeeping items that city councils can approve simultaneously.
Given that Medtronic’s plans have already won approval recommendation from Lafayette’s Planning Commission and praise from members of the City Council when plans were formally introduced to the body during a February hearing, the proposal appears likely to move forward.
Should the company meet a few conditions likely to be set forth by city leaders for example, paying the full public land dedication cash-in-lieu fee rather than the 50% payment it had previously proposed Medtronic’s new campus would be located on a roughly 42-acre parcel just south of SCL Health’s Good Samaritan Medical Center, northeast of the interchange of Northwest Parkway and U.S. H