So my question is, when were you notified there was a threat to the capitol . I was notified, i believe, essentially immediately as it happened. As what happened . As he landed. To me, it just seems like it would be all hands on deck when you get an email like this and you have the website to go to, that bells should be ringing, sirens should be blaring, within your chain of command as to, this is pretty damn important. Excuse my language. But it is. And so what i worry about is that whoever got this information just said, ah, you know, we get this stuff all the time. Well, this is fairly specific. Would you not agree . Fairly specific. And obviously unique in that regard. Obviously didnt say the time that it was happening but one could reason that you read it, fairly obvious in the report, it gives his phone number so you can contact me, wasnt like he was just, you know, leaving something. Because when was let me ask you this. The sergeant in arms. When was he notified of this email .
Understood]. I learned that on 20 generation the facts on [speaker not understood]. Why i say that is because today we need to know ~ our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but america, i have never been more hopeful than i have tonight that we will [inaudible]. I promise you we as a people will get there. I want it remind people get out there and vote because when i went to sacramento, toms office is a very nice office and they do have an lgbt caucus there and i want to remind people that memorial day is coming up. Thats a day not only for veterans, but for all americans who make this a great country. So, make sure you get out and vote and keep our city progressive like the other countries are doing [speaker not understood]. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general Public Comment . Please step up. Well, its now good evening, supervisors, because its after 6 oclock. I am here because im still c
Good morning today is tuesday, may 20, 2014. Welcome to the San Francisco Transportation Authority board. My name is john avalos the chair of the Transportation Authority. We are broadcast by sfgovtv staff bill and jessie and our clerk is eric can chang. Madam clerk call roll supervisor avalos pr supervisor breed. Supervisor campos absent. Supervisor chiu. Supervisor cowen. Supervisor farrell. Absent. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar. Absent. Supervisor tang. Supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. We have quorum we have quorum very good. Approve the minutes of the april 22nd this is an action stem. Questions or comments seeing none, well go on to pan am is open on item 2 be sooebd. Supervisor avalos. Supervisor breed. Supervisor campos absent. Supervisor chiu. Supervisor cowen. Supervisor farrell. Absent. Supervisor kim. Supervisor mar. Absent. Supervisor tang. Supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. This item passes very good next item. Item 3 chairs report this is an informational item. Thank y
I want to thank supervisor wiener he wants to make sure were keep the ball rolling so i appreciate our Charter Amendment to find the Revenue Sources to put on the ballot. To share those investments proposals city agencies are holding open meetings in every part of town last time we are that in district 11 i know that supervisor breed hosted a meeting and i attended my meeting last time from road repair to muni crowding to travel times i building the district 678 workshop with sdmm will be held tonight from 6 00 to 7 30 p. M. I encourage the members of the public to look at the website wwwsf transportation to see where the workshops will be held if there are no comments from the authority well go on to pan am it open relative to my rakes well close Public Comment and move on. Item 4 the executive director report this is on informational item. Thank you. Good morning everyone my reports are on your deck the two mostly transit reports thats been a busy month the funding is on everyones mi
Mind also at the state and local level wherewith the picture of the bills coming forward the Obama Administration and the Senate Public Works Committee as the two year transportation bill in place that will expire on september 30th its great to see this coming up with the extension we need to see a maintenance of the Obama Administration proposals for the increased level of funding were not seeing the grow america act by the administrative and the departmentalize and republicans in the house and senate but were talking about extending the bill for at least the next few years and will continue to monitor the progress with the Transportation Commission and with our partners well keep you posted. This goal to avert the bankruptcy of the Highway Trust Fund to make sure we plan for our capital needs. At the state level the cap and trade proposal realized imply permanently steinberg that take into consideration talks about an Expenditure Program and the governor provided a picture with the n