As the BJP swept the Madhya Pradesh election, the result flying in the face of exit poll predictions, the spotlight is on the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government's welfare schemes such as 'Ladli Behna' that helped BJP tap into women votes
From cultural nationalism to civic nationalism, the idea of the nation has permeated the consciousness of voters and forms the basis of their electoral decision.
In Madhya Pradesh, where it has always been principally a two horse race viz. Congress and BJP, the over confidence, lacklustre campaigning, playing Hindutva card, sidelining of minorities along with aging leadership caused Congress’ doom in the State’s Legislative Assembly elections 2023 the results of which were announced after counting of votes on December 3.
India News: Shivraj Chouhan is set to retain power as chief minister in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections. The BJP is poised for a landslide victory, with Cho