part of the show. we should hop to it. i get to start it off today. as a recently lactating mother, they handed me this one. because tmz very personal, stephanie. i like it. tmz has reported that mariah carey was investigated by child protective services for drinking a guinness while breast-feeding. and she was actually interviewed by child protective services for drinking a guinness, by the way a lot of lactation consultants told me drink a half a pint of guinness when you are lactating there is a lot of iron. i don t understand why child protective services would waste the time to interview mariah carey. anyway, the latest news is she has been cleared. they interviewed her, though. they wasted their time interviewing her. was this in the hospital or was this i don t know where they interviewed her. she was told in the hospital by a nurse to drink a guinness. apparently she did. as you know, she had twins recently. morocco and mango or something? it s not the same
i get to start it off today. as a recently lactating mother, they handed me this one. because tmz. very personal, stephanie. i like it. mariah carey was investigated by child protective services for drinking a guinness while breast-feeding. and she was actually interviewed by child protective services for drinking a guinness, by the way a lot of lactation consultants told me drink a half a pint of guinness when you are lactating there is a lot of iron. i don t understand why child protective services would waste the time to interview mariah carey. anyway, the latest news is she has been cleared. they interviewed her though. they wasted their time interviewing her. was this in the hospital or was this i don t know where they interviewed her. she was told in the hospital by a nurse to drink a guinness. apparently she did. as you know, she had twins recently. morocco and mango or something? it s not the same thing. drinking while you re lactating