The story of Lacey Ellen Fletcher’s life and death stunned the nation. The East Feliciana woman was found lying on a fetid couch at her parents home in Slaughter.
Dr. Ewell Bickham had been responsible for examining the body of Fletcher, right, after she was found fused to the couch in the home she shared with her parents.
Nearly two years after entering a not-guilty plea, Clay and Sheila Fletcher have changed their plea for their role in the grim death of their daughter.
Nearly two years after entering a not-guilty plea, Clay and Sheila Fletcher have changed their plea for their role in the grim death of their daughter.
A Louisiana couple whose daughter’s body was found “melted” into a couch after she sat in it for up to 12 years in a horrific case of “acute medical neglect” has pleaded no contest to manslaughter charges.