Report highlights pay gap for migrant workers
Updated / Monday, 14 Dec 2020
The ILO found that women migrant workers face a double wage penalty , both as migrants and as women
Industry and Employment Correspondent
Migrant workers generally earn nearly 13% less than national workers in high income countries, though the gap can be as high as 42% in some jurisdictions, according to the latest research from the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
However, the ILO found the reverse in low- or middle-income countries, where migrant workers generally earned on average 17.3% more than local workers, as they tended to be temporary high-skilled expatriates .
The ILO report entitled The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals also reveals that the pay disadvantage experienced by migrant and national workers in some countries - including Ireland - has worsened since 2015.