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On the anniversary of Fiji’s first coup, 14 May 1987, Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry reflects on the the price the nation paid for the racist coup which took place one month after the first Labour Government of Dr. Timoci Bavadra took office..
That challenge is for all of us.
National development plans must ensure that the interests of our masses become paramount.
If our ordinary people lose faith through unfair and inequitable policies,
then the future is fraught with uncertainties.
We must restore the faith of our people in democracy … above all, in Fiji.”
These words were uttered 34 years ago by Labour Prime Minister Dr. Timoci Bavadra – a man of vision, known for his deep compassion and empathy for the ordinary people of Fiji. Dr Bavadra was committed to an open and caring government that believed in social justice and people-centred development policies.