Including a mother of three and those children are trying to come to grips with those this boss tonight. She loved each and every petty just like the love herbert so full of life and heart, a loving mother. Both there are no words. Tonya johnson who touched so many people remember here outside of her canton home on saturday night. She tried to make things possible and impossible permits are and confusion when it comes to the loss of this mother of three i canton firefighter and paramedic. Board, watch over her family and her sons and her daughter. On monday she was johns driving along route eight but after an argument got out of the suv she was an and cross lanes pickup truck instantly killed according to authorities. Ceric i didnt believe it from beginning. I know there are some questions that i have yet to be answered. I dont believe anything that ive heard it on my sister and her characters there is something going on that was going on that this unknown. You keep looking over these
An emotional visceral for they cant fire firee killed while trying to cross fark say. My name is bill sheil. My name is jennifer drew bids they say itsni hard to believe that Tonya Johnson is gone. Allison brown is thereto in canton with our lead story tonight. The 43 yearold roof on the minds and heartsy of everyone in canton tonight. She was a paramedic so manyo things to so many people including a mother of three and thosend children are trying to boss tonight. She loved each and every petty just like the love herbert so full of life and heart, a h loving mother. Both there are no words. Tonya johnson who touched so many people remember hereuc outside of her canton home on saturday night. He she tried to make things possible and impossible permits are and confusion when it comes to the loss of this mother of three i canton firefighter andn paramedic. Board, watch over her family and her sons and her daughter. On monday she was johns driving along route eight but after an argument go
He held 1093 patents in his lifetime. In everything from the botany to the phonograph. His collected papers at Rutgers University number 500 pages scholars have been working on them since 1978. On exhibit there, among other things, is his personal desk. It includes a pigeon hole labeled new things. Which is crammed full of papers and notes on ideas he never got to. We can know at least what one of those idea might have been near the end of his life, he said i put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power, i hope we dont have to wait until oil and coal run out until we tackle that. I wish i had more years left. Perhaps edison contributed the next best thing. While the electric light is not a natural subject for the computer history museum. I have invited professor freeberg to have conversation because of his profound observations and the lessons that he draws out speak across the decade to a time and place here and now and in silicon valley. In both cases the world ha
Energy. I hope we dont have to wait until oil and coal run out until we tackle that. I wish i had more years left. Perhaps edison contributed to us the next best thing. It is described by historian ernest freebug in his book. While the electric light is not a natural subject for the computer history museum, i have invited professor freeberg because of his profound observations about the nature of invention and inventors. The lessons that he draws out speak across the decades to a time and place, here and now in Silicon Valley where edisons approach and the success it produces are quite familiar. In both cases, the world has changed forever because of it. Distinguished officer of humanities at the university of tennessee, the author of other two books and the winner of numerous prizes. His documentaries are heard on public radio and he lectures frequently for the society of american historians. Please welcome me and welcoming join me in welcoming ernest freeberg. [applause] welcome to t
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