Analyzing trace elements in biological samples is crucial for clinical research, offering insights into cellular functions. Essential elements like zinc, copper, selenium, and others play vital roles in biochemical reactions. Increased exposure to toxic heavy metals poses health risks. This study reports an analytical method for quantifying 28 trace elements in human plasma and serum, utilizing the ClinMass Complete Kit and Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ TQ ICP-MS.
Cell morphology is one of the strongest indicators of cell health. However, there is no current consensus on exactly how cell morphology should be quantified. Incucyte ® Live-Cell Analysis Systems enable cells to be visualized from within an incubator over long periods of time. This application note dives into the various applications of morphometry in live-cell analysis.
ANSI/AMCA Standard 500-L-23 establishes uniform methods of testing air leakage, air performance (pressure drop), water penetration, resistance to wind-driven rain and wind-driven-sand, and operational torque.
This application note demonstrates the benefit of incorporating of HRIM into traditional LC-MS workflows for reproducible high-throughput targeted PTM analysis for biopharmaceutical characterization.
With a shortage of lab personnel and rising costs, hematology labs are under pressure to boost efficiency. Lab digitalization and automation are key. While digital peripheral blood smear (PBS) analysis has gained popularity, its limited field of view necessitates manual examination for abnormal samples. The Scopio Labs X100 Full-Field Peripheral Blood Smear™ platform eliminates manual microscopy, offering a full-field view and enabling remote PBS review for improved workflow efficiency. This ap