Apart. An authentic natural paradise. Of all the growing things that existed in the silence 95 out of a 100 or else in the world. A mere. There was there as there is no no police known on earth that even began to compete with these islands in their capacity to encourage natural life to develop free and radically up to its own potential. From the. Recent. Most boring. Today these islands face an uncertain future and the survival of this natural paradise is being threatened. Why mere valley. Was my school. Lease is the way i learned to hunt and feel. To enjoy. This whole valley. I used to go hunting from here id saddle up my mules and out right all the way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood. A lot of the people were hunted some were fishermen a lot of them had Small Businesses of the own a lot of the people were farmers we werent they gantz. Agriculture because all of the farmers up here were all tariff almos. So we all had to work hard we all had to respect
Why mere valley. Was my school. This is the way i learned to hunt and fish. To enjoy. This whole valley. I used to go hunting from here right saddle up my mules and out right all the way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood. A lot of the people were. Some were fishermen a lot of whom had Small Businesses of the own a lot of the people were farmers we werent they gantz. Agriculture because. All of the farmers up here were all. So we all had to work hard we all had to respect each other the values that. Were given to us by our family he taught you all do scenes that you need in your life to serve. I was raised by immigrant. To appreciate what. Has given me. But some of you just go to. The establishment of a large sugar plantations was kind of the colonial force that really hold these islands into the chains of Global Capital Agricultural Production and left behind a legacy of consolidated Land Ownership control over water rights and really that this thing franc
Paradise is being threatened. Waimea valley. Was my school. This is the way i learned to hunt and fish. To enjoy. This whole valley. I used to go hunting from here right saddle up my mules and out right all the way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood. A lot of the p. Some were fishermen a lot of them had Small Businesses a. Lot of the people were farmers. Agriculture. All of the farmers up here. So we all had to work hard we all had to respect each other. That were given to us by our family. You all do scenes that you need in your life to survive. I was raised by immigrant. To appreciate what. Has given me. But some of. The establishment of a large sugar plantations was kind of the colonial force that really hold these islands into the chains of Global Capital production and left behind a legacy of consolidated Land Ownership control over water rights and really that this and franchise men and marginalization of Indigenous People and their homelands. My home
Sea. In violence a great beauty was born. Diesel lands with the youngest part of the earths vast visible surface the renewed. These islands were unique alone apart. And authentic natural paradise. Of all the growing things that existed in these islands 95 out of a 100 nowhere else in the world. There was there as there is no no police no no on earth that even began to compete with these islands in their capacity to encourage natural life to develop free and radically up to its own potential. From the. Recent. Most boring. Today these islands face an uncertain future and the survival of this natural paradise is being threatened. Why mere valley. Was my school. Lease is the way i learned to hunt and fish. To enjoy. This whole valley. I used to go hunting from here right saddle up my mules and out right all the way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood. A lot of the people were hunting some were fishermen a lot of whom had Small Businesses of the own a lot of the
The way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood. A lot of the people were hunted some were fishermen a lot of whom had Small Businesses of the own a lot of the people were farmers we werent they gantz. Agriculture because all of the farmers up here were all tariff almos. So we all had to work hard we all had to respect each other the foul use that were given to us by our family they taught you all just things that you need in your life to survive if i was raised by immigrant grandparents they talked me to appreciate what. Has given me but some of reduce. The establishment of a large sugar plantations was kind of the colonial force that really pulled these islands into the chains of Global Capital Agricultural Production and left behind a legacy of consolidated Land Ownership control over water rights and really that this and franchise men and marginalization of Indigenous People and their homelands. My home is located in a while called white in a place known as