Many believe that the era of good jobs is slipping away. Especially now with the economy weakening, the popular perception is that Americans are less and less able to find jobs that will allow them to support their families.
Congressional rhetoric to the contrary, much of the burden ofpaying for an employer mandate will fall on ordinary Americans, andlower-income workers will be hit the hardest.
If you wonder which criteria must be met for a Congressional ethics investigation to garner coverage at Univision, it’s quite simple: just don’t be a Democrat. Specifically, don’t be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). For proof, let's take a look at Univision´s coverage of the House Ethics Committee investigation into AOC for allegedly accepting impermissible gifts related to the 2021 Met Gala that was made public on Thursday, March 2, 2023: A grand total of 0.0 seconds. Zero. Nothing. Nada was aired about this development over Univision’s airwaves.