weekly inspection. all tunnels inspected monthly instead of twice yearly before the escape. so many lingering doubts about this prison. joining a former sergeant there, jeff dumas, and keith provost, and patrick dunleavy. patrick, so according to records which were obtained from the prison. corrections officers have been raising concerns for years about lax security. specifically weaknesses in the tailor shop where both worked and along with joyce mitchell. what do you make of that? well i think the reports you are referring to were based on labor management meetings that took place at the facility level. i believe those probably also took place at the executiveen in albany. labor management meetings between the bargaining groups in the prison. bringing up their concerns. management has to address them or state why they don t think
prison. corrections officers have been raising concerns for years about lax security. specifically, weaknesses in the tailor shop where both worked and along with joyce mitchell. what do you make of that? well i think the reports you are referring to were based on labor management meetings that took place at the facility level. i believe those probably also took place at the executive level in albany. labor management meetings between the bargaining groups in the prison. bringing up their concerns. management has to address them or state why they don t think though particular concerns are valid. how often do audits happen from the new york state department of