For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Rouda madam speaker, i move the house suspend the rules and agree to the bill h. R. 1844. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1844, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 66 grove court in elgin, illinois, as the Corporal Alex martinez Memorial Post Office building. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman california, mr. Rouda, and the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Keller, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california. Mr. Rouda thank you. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on this measure. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Rouda thank you, madam speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Madam speaker, i am pleased to join my colleag
Support for Military Spouses and families. Thousands of Companies Big and small have had Great Success at hiring veterans in the past decade. As most of you know before i came to congress i ran a familyowned trucking business and had the pleasure of knowing, we hired people from world war ii that worked hard most of their lives, korean war, vietnam war, and continued the tradition. When veterans applied for the positions, i always made sure to give them the opportunities to thrive, as did my grandfather and father. As a veteran myself, i knew that the service ingrained in the veterans does not just go away when they take off the uniform. They possess exceptional teambuilding skills and are highly trusted by colleagues in the workplace. We have seen this firsthand the way a veteran higher can benefit any business over 3 million americans are employed and together these companies contribute to the economy. An incredible investment over 74 of businesses are founded by a veteran rather tha
Support for Military Spouses and families. Thousands of Companies Big and small have had Great Success at hiring veterans in the past decade. As most of you know before i came to congress i ran a familyowned trucking business and had the pleasure of knowing, we hired people from world war ii that worked hard most of their lives, korean war, vietnam war, and continued the tradition. When veterans applied for the positions, i always made sure to give them the opportunities to thrive, as did my grandfather and father. As a veteran myself, i knew that the service ingrained in the veterans does not just go away when they take off the uniform. They possess exceptional teambuilding skills and are highly trusted by colleagues in the workplace. We have seen this firsthand the way a veteran higher can benefit any business over 3 million americans are employed and together these companies contribute to the economy. An incredible investment over 74 of businesses are founded by a veteran rather tha
Support for Military Spouses and families. Thousands of Companies Big and small have had Great Success at hiring veterans in the past decade. As most of you know before i came to congress i ran a familyowned trucking business and had the pleasure of knowing, we hired people from world war ii that worked hard most of their lives, korean war, vietnam war, and continued the tradition. When veterans applied for the positions, i always made sure to give them the opportunities to thrive, as did my grandfather and father. As a veteran myself, i knew that the service ingrained in the veterans does not just go away when they take off the uniform. They possess exceptional teambuilding skills and are highly trusted by colleagues in the workplace. We have seen this firsthand the way a veteran higher can benefit any business over 3 million americans are employed and together these companies contribute to the economy. An incredible investment over 74 of businesses are founded by a veteran rather tha
Support for Military Spouses and families. Thousands of Companies Big and small have had Great Success at hiring veterans in the past decade. As most of you know before i came to congress i ran a familyowned trucking business and had the pleasure of knowing, we hired people from world war ii that worked hard most of their lives, korean war, vietnam war, and continued the tradition. When veterans applied for the positions, i always made sure to give them the opportunities to thrive, as did my grandfather and father. As a veteran myself, i knew that the service ingrained in the veterans does not just go away when they take off the uniform. They possess exceptional teambuilding skills and are highly trusted by colleagues in the workplace. We have seen this firsthand the way a veteran higher can benefit any business over 3 million americans are employed and together these companies contribute to the economy. An incredible investment over 74 of businesses are founded by a veteran rather tha