also got the on going labor affair that reason may is going to step down sometime in the future it could be shortly it could be a little bit longer what happens then a bit like what bob is saying with the e.u. how are they going to stop the next leader of the conservative party the next prime minister from undoing anything that they agree with her you know labor have got their own problems they have to make sure that they are appealing to their members their members want that to be a second referendum they do not want really to see their party doing a do with the conservative party so this is going to be an ongoing problem it s not so straightforward as it s amazing to talk about you know the fear of the bad boys may be seizing power away for you all to watch with me a video now of a reason may arriving today the chancellor here in berlin middleby can sure that normally mate would get out of record we have a video. there we go normally they would get out of a car in america would be st