Host reza aslan, where does the phrase no god but god come guest ing there is no god but god, and muhammad is gods messenger. Its, essentially, the phrase that initiates a convert into the muslim faith. Convert into the muslim faith. Host you also write it not look that now, islam is available to all muslims and every muslim can speak for islam. Guest of scholars, the learned ones as theyre known who have maintained a monopoly over the meaning and message of islam for most of the last 14 centuries. Host how did that evolve from muhammad into the freedom to interpret . Guest you know, its interesting. This, in many ways, is the same process that all great religions go through. You have a prophet who is primarily a reformer, not a creator of a religion. I think thats the very important thing for people to understand. We have this misperception that what a rough fete is, is prophet is, is somebody who invents a new religion, but thats not what a prophet is. A prophet forms the religion. J
It's a common phrase in the compliance world: "do the right thing." But what is "the right thing?" Are there risks to moralizing organizational decision-making? And what happens.
chinese collaborator with the wuhan lab filed for a patent for covid vaccine theory early in february 2020 bridge so early many people question has this been in development for months prior? that scientists mysteriously died about two and half months after from the patent even though he was young and healthy chinese media reported he fell off the roof of the wuhan lab. the first dr. who took care of some the first coed patients were presumably infected lab workers he also died, even though he is young and healthy he was 34 years old. it wasn t just in china there s clearly a cover up in the united states perhaps because of the embarrassment the u.s. was finding that lab dr. fauci famously commissioned a puffed article in with the biggest medical journals or they concluded emphatically with no data it was not from the lab. so denying the lab leak has become a political batch for some of the united states. although anyone who objectively looks at the intent, circumstantial evidence and a
OSU assistant professor Dr. Kara Moore explains how memory is crucial to missing and wanted persons cases, and how we can avoid errors or account for them in the legal system.