Apr 1, 2021
The meeting was attended by members of the working team – A.I. Popov, (OOO NTP “Rubus”), S.А. Uvarov (WWF Barents Sea Branch), L.A. Sergienko (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Petrozavodsk State University), T.Yu. Minaeva, (Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Center for the Preservation and Restoration of Bog Ecosystems of the Branch of ILAN RAS), specialists from Norway – Paul E. Renaud, Alexei Bambulyak, Benjamin Merkel, (Akvaplan-niva AS), Finland – Outi Maria Laatikainen (Kajaani University of Applied Sciences), Yulia Korshunova – head of the Russian office of Kolarctic (Murmansk).
The online meeting touched upon the main issues to be solved in 1 year of the mini-project – environmental problems and barriers to the conservation and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems in the Barents Region, analysis of gaps in available information for creating a monitoring system for coastal wetlands, testing of methodological a