For many residents of City Heights, the 15 freeway that runs through the neighborhood isn't a harmless piece of infrastructure, it's a nuisance, creating noise and air pollution. The freeway was built with several amenities that were meant to mitigate its harmful impacts, but decades later, the promise of reconnecting City Heights remains unfulfilled. In other news, the San Diego Foundation recently awarded millions of dollars in scholarships to local college students. Plus, while two Hollywood strikes mean actors and writers can't promote their projects at this week's San Diego Comic-Con, the show must go on, and the Gaslamp Quarter is beginning to transform.
Lead exposure is especially harmful to children, who can absorb more lead than adults and have brains and nervous systems that are more sensitive to the damaging and sometimes irreversible effects.
DALLAS (PRWEB) July 12, 2023 Frog Street, an early-childhood education company whose curriculum products for learners from birth-5 are used in classrooms
A San Diego child care center had the highest lead level in drinking water in the state. It's among 139 child care centers in the county that have reported lead levels above state safety standards.