let s start with you, leslie. the president repeatedly stated this was not a tax and he would not raise taxes on middle class families and the cbo s own report on this that was circulating, of course, around the internet today demonstrates that about $4.2 billion in new taxes on middle class families are going to result because of obama care. not just the individual mandate tax but a whole host of other taxes as well. how is this not a broken promise? well, i don t see it as a broken promise because i honestly think the american people are smarter than that, laura. when we look at what is happening now we are paying with our taxes for the abuse of the emergency room and for the rehallity that we have more and we are entering into much more sick people as a society ages with the baby boomers becoming seniors and just not enough medical staff to take care of them. i m married to one, believe me, i know. the reality is that in the long run we are actually going to be paying less than we
people will prevail. last word, leslie. power of the people will prevail. president obama although by a very slim margin my prediction will be reelected because george herbert walker bush was up against bill clinton and mitt romney ain t no william jefferson clinton. we appreciate it. thanks so much. how does the supreme court ruling affect you the next time you go to the doctor? we will tell you about it. the justice department defies congress and says it will not
let s start with you, leslie. the president repeatedly stated this was not a tax and he would not raise taxes on middle class families and the cbo s own report on this that was circulating, of course, around the internet today demonstrates that about $4.2 billion in new taxes on middle class families are going to result because of obama care. not just the individual mandate tax but a whole host of other taxes as well. how is this not a broken promise? well, i don t see it as a broken promise because i honestly think the american people are smarter than that, laura. when we look at what is happening now we are paying with our taxes for the abuse of the emergency room and for the rehallity that we have more and we are entering into much more sick people as a society ages with the baby boomers becoming seniors and just not enough medical staff to take care of them. i m married to one, believe me, i know. the reality is that in the long run we are actually going to be paying less than we
a tax. the mandate is a tax. every single american has the right to affordable acceptable healthcare and should never be purchased with tax increases on middle class families. the obama camp is hitting back. david axelrod senior advisor to the reelection campaign said this on the today show. whether you call it a mandate or a tax what it is a a penalty on the very few americans who can afford healthcare, don t pay for are it, end up in the emergency rooms getting free care and then we all pay for it in the form of what you call it is important in an election year and coming out of a recession if it is called a tax it is going to hurt. i would suggest that you direct that question to governor romney who is the chief proponent of the very policy when was governor of massachusetts. the question, will the tax issues damage the president? juneinjoining us, radio talk sw host jeanine turn and from l.a. leslie marshall.
a tax and now we all know because supreme court declared it was is a tax. the president wasn t dealing straight with the american people on the health care. they have to run from the fact that this slashes senior s care. it puts a board of independent unelected bureaucrats in charge of deciding what care seniors do and don t get. republicans will at some point have to step up and only do we have to move this wreckage from the highway after we defeat it but we have to leave it there. next on the rundown, how badly will the president flip flop on whether the individual mandate is a tax actually damage his reelection campaign? jeanine and leslie will weigh in. the justice department says it will not prosecute eric holder on