that he started to study of columbia. you ve used to be your mom will fall, use a. 2 2 2 2 with a shirt but she anthea thought sumeet a funny because of the boys have some more less analicia put them in some might say 70 years is a reasonable life. i blame is one that may be full of events, both happy or sad owner ups and downs me priced opportunities and glorious achievements. misty in the historic centro, he, 70 years. his new allie and instantly ag edition, you were, you live with the, to july, 13th, march, the 70th anniversary of events, the meaning and significance of which still debated in both poland and you grain them up just via ah mm hm. about being with the teacher, the announcement of on april the 8th, 2013 is just before the 70th anniversary, the divided, the ukrainian nation with an ideological stand off $28.00 senators with the law and justice party. they submitted a draft to the polish senate family proposing that july. the 11th should be a memorial day in pol
ah ah ah, with oh, that s all with no lou, the style study of columbia. you blue studio, mama, paula, you used to look through noble at all with . 2 2 2 i blue assist ethiopia equal to russia, but she anthea thought to meet you guys also she noticed when you deal with when she doesn t watch a dispute of dante g. b a full size because of the boys more live analogy ship with them. can you some might say 70 years is a reasonable life. i but i m is one that may be full of events, both happy or sad, older ups and downs me christ opportunities and glorious achievements. misty in the historic centro, he 70 years, his new alley. and instantly ag edition you where you live with july 13th marks, the 70th anniversary of events, the meaning and significance of which still debated in poland and grain. i m just, yeah. ah mm hm. about being with us on april, the 8th, 2013 is just before the 70 us anniversary. the divided the ukranian nation with an ideological stand off $28.00 senators with
a reasonable life. i but i m is one that may be full of events spokes, happy or sad owner ups and downs me christ opportunities and glorious achievement. misty in the historic centro, he 70 years. his new alley and instantly ag edition you where you live with the july 13th marks, the 70th anniversary of events, the meaning and significance of which are still debated in poland and grain. i m just, yeah. ah by some about being with the teacher, the announcement about on april the 8th 2013 is just before the 70 us anniversary. the divided the ukrainian nation with an ideological stand off $28.00 senators with the law and justice party to the draft to the polish senate. the only proposing that july the 11th should be a memorial day in poland. to honor the memory of the victims of massacres of poles in virginia and other parts of western ukraine in world war 2. he was with our example in the unit on april, the 11th in the same year 29 m. p s from the polish people s party submitt
ah ah, bmw with shimmer ah, that s how it this piece of knowledge, the style study of columbia. you steal mama follow you use a . 2 2 2 2 2 with, with blue, this is tc, her he cooper shirt, but she anthea thought to meeting you guys also she did such a but she doesn t watch a bit of dante g. b a funny side because of the boys. i have some more to live analogy. ship them king some might say 70 years is a reasonable life. i but i miss one that may be full of events, both happy or sad owner ups and downs to meet christ opportunities and glorious achievements, misty in the historic sense. so he 70 years is too early and instantly ag edition me where you live with the to july 13th marks the 70th anniversary of events, the meaning and significance of which still debated in both poland and grain. i m just yeah, ah, by some of our beloved with the teacher, the announcement of our gone april. the 8th 2013 is just before the 70th anniversary that divided the ukrainian nation with an id
us credit rating for moody sees russia defaulting due to its grace period for payments expiring. while the kremlin says, such a default would be artificial, as it has both the will and currency to service in. the broadcasting live direct for our studios in moscow, this is our national shawn thomas, certainly glad to help you with us. now we start with the latest on the war and ukraine. according to la garza officials, russian lead forces have significantly advanced in the city of lucy chanced in the republics northwest, ukrainian forces are now said to be retreating east from that area. now fierce battles are understood to have broken out in lucy johnson after russian lead forces took control of key areas around the city. as you can see from the map here, the ukranian army now appears to be blocked from the north after key of troops retreated from a civil done yet sc, and also from the south, which has allowed the loo, ganske army to surround it with the chance which is eager