Three prominent Democrats are vying to replace Sheila Kuehl as Los Angeles County supervisor for District 3, which covers swaths of the San Fernando Valley and the Westside.
As we enter a new Roaring Twenties, let’s recall two renegade art dealers who kickstarted modern art back in the Swinging Sixties: Walter Hopps and Irving Blum of Ferus, the L.A. gallery that launched Pop Art and the young (guess who?) Andy Warhol in 1962.
The 1st District seat, which includes much of East Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley, is also on the June 7 ballot, with incumbent Hilda Solis running against four challengers.
artworxLA, the L.A.-based arts non-profit that provides long-term, sequential arts programming to students to inspire them to stay in school and evolve and excel in creative pathways, celebrated its 30-year anniversary with a gala fundraiser at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles on May 5.