going to donatune back to you next cycle. that is not fair.? to go to a victim fund. exactly. you can t have these kamikazes thesing dump sennett s like you can t have guys stealing cash, donating it to democrats and then dying on the hill.en de hill. i m just going to give the money you then say, i m just going to give the money to charity. tv you could do that every singleer election. if you wanted to .u want to. one guy goes to jail and they ta keep the senatile. not fair. not fair. jessica. ca: so h so we didn t stealdn t s the senate, steatel purchased it with fraudulent money. that s capitalism, baby . l purcno, it s not. jes okayse, then i thought i would try. hould the they should give back the money.and and i don t think that the charity is good enough. i don t know how they ree obviously needs to be someone in charge of thito bs who can m sure because a lot of this money was given to huge pacs. right. that then distribute money to various candidates, various issues. so