Caroline journey is editor of the book our first speaker is dr. Caroline janney. Dr. Janney is professor of American Civil War and the john l mau center for history at the university of virginia. She was a historian also at purdue university, an active lecturer, as you might imagine. She is coeditor at the North Carolina lecture presses civil war story, has published five books, some of them listed on your program. Civil war reunion and the limits of reconciliation. She edited petersburg, appomattox, the ending of the war in virginia, and another not on the list. Her talk today is we will not surrendered parolling lees rolling lees army after appomattox. applause good afternoon. It is nice to see so many familiar faces in the audience, and i know this is the time after lunch, this is why i usually choose the morning, because i know what happens after lunch. I will try to keep you all away. Thank you, to longwood university, for hosting us. Thank you to appomattox, especially robin snyd
Our first speaker of the afternoon is dr. Caroline jenny. Dr. Jeannie is the john l noll, and i pronouncing it correctly . Professor of American Civil War and director of the john l now, i will get it right, silver personal history and university of virginia. She is a graduate from uaa, worked at the National Park service as a historian, an active lecture as you might imagine, winner of a number of different teaching awards. She is coeditor of the university of, and oppresses American Civil War series, past president of the Society Civil war historians, published five books, have them listed on your program, civil war reunion and the limits of reconciliation. She edited petersburg appomattox to work in virginia, and another one on the list is during the debt but not the past, it is memorial associations and the lost cause. Her talk today is we were not surrendered, parole and lees army after appomattox. Good afternoon. It is nice to see so many familiar faces in the audience. I know th