I am so proud of you : Mother writes letters to son dying of COVID-19 Share Updated: 9:19 AM CST Jan 27, 2021 By Kevin Wallevand Share Updated: 9:19 AM CST Jan 27, 2021
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Show Transcript Ah, young mom always remembers her firstborn, especially when they re £10. You know, I was 21 when I had him, so it was like he s been a big part of my life. Val Laidlaw of Morehead is proud of all her grown Children. But Kyle, he s just very strong willed. You know, there was just something He made friends really easily and, you know, he always kind of watched out for them. Kyle played soccer and Fargo youth hockey, said he d figure out the game, you know, like steps ahead later. Ah, huge Minnesota sports fan Vikings twins. Any hockey team? He was just a friendly, loveable guy. A smart kid. He went on to nds you to become a pharmacist, worked and raised his family in the Twin Cities. Ah, girl, Dad role he cherished. So he s He was a proud ho