Their vital work to save their bayou home and heritage is part of a broader trend around the world of faith leaders and environmental activists increasingly joining the fight against climate change.
POINTE-AUX-CHENES, Louisiana (AP) On a boat ride along a bayou that shares the name of his Native American tribe, Donald Dardar points to a cross marking his ancestors’ south
On a boat ride along a bayou that shares the name of his Native American tribe, Donald Dardar points to a cross marking his ancestors south Louisiana burial ground a place he fears will disappear.
POINTE-AUX-CHENES, Louisiana (AP) On a boat ride along a bayou that shares the name of his Native American tribe, Donald Dardar points to a cross marking his ancestors’ south Louisiana burial ground a place he fears will disappear.
POINTE-AUX-CHENES, Louisiana (Associated Press) On a boat ride along a bayou that shares the name of his Native American tribe, Donald Dardar points to a .