Sharon Hill police officers who shot into a crowd, killing Fanta Bility, 8, are on paid leave, while two teenagers are charged with first-degree murder.
Pride Night at 2312 Garrett Bar in Upper Darby, 2021. It was the first Pride related event hosted by U.D.T.J. Bottom row from left to right: Elijah Neal, Ashely Rose, Valentina Kariouk, Dyamond Gibbs, BJ Bryant.
Top row, left to right: Ophelia Hotass, Kyle McIntyre, name unknown. Minus Ophelia, the other people are the organizers of the Pride Festival and members of UDTJ. (Courtesy of UDTJ)
Pride Month is coming to a close, but it’s not going out quietly. Though the Philadelphia Pride March and Festival has been canceled, Upper Darby is planning a festival of its own Sunday, June 27 and its organizers say its a huge milestone.
Westchester County Federal Legislative Requests sent to Washington Written by Westchester County
County Executive Latimer has sent his federal legislative requests to the federal delegation that represents Westchester County
Westchester County Executive George Latimer has sent his federal legislative requests to the federal delegation that represents Westchester County. The priorities were compiled by the Westchester County Department of Intergovernmental Relations under Latimer’s leadership. Department of Intergovernmental Relations Director Steve Bass led the team along with Deputy Director Ellen Hendrickx and Intergovernmental Relations Aide Kyle McIntyre.
While there are a number of federal priorities, the top priority for the Latimer Administration is the repeal of the SALT tax cap. The law now caps the SALT deduction at $10,000, resulting in double taxation and raised taxes on thousands of middle-class families in Westchester who depended on that deduct