evening outo y. despinite itl iaconcerns of unre, stthe city is moving forward aftefrr iday s acquittal. this gathengri hasee bn declar red aiot. r eport: erpolice in rtpoland, oren,go declared a riot fridaghy nits a a group of 200 protesters broke windows and threw objects at offerics. bron,okly n yework. t is suabrd to me and it really reveals like howro bken e thsystem is. reporter: hurendds made theiir voces heard, ctobjeing to a wiscn onsijury s decision to acqu kityle rittenhouse. the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. r eporter: rihottenuse prexessered liefft aer the verdt,ic seeinn adncvae clsip from a fox newso dcumen.tary it s been a rough journey, but we made it thh rougit. e w the jurynd, fi the fedendant, kyle ith. rteounhse, nogut ilty. ep rorr:te the jury oef sven women and five men delatibered for about 26 hours, fniding the 18r yeaolnod t guilty on all five counts thfor e shootings that lefo t twmen dead,