A few years ago, Adela from Asia was thrilled: she managed to land herself a permanent job at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort. The salary she was promised was better than pay in the same industry in Southeast Asia, and the company’s website made it look like a trustworthy organisation.
Lapin Kansa kertoi keskiviikkona Lapin tunnetuimmassa matkailuyrityksessä työskentelevien kokemuksista. Kokoamme nyt lisää matkailualalla työskentelevien tai työskennelleiden kokemuksia.
Monica Sippola, director of business development at Kuva Systems, discusses with NGW how the company’s patented non-thermal infrared camera and cloud monitoring technology provides continuous remote monitoring of methane emissions with zero false positives assurance. [Gas in Transition, Volume 3, Issue 7]