Joined in the studio to discuss this weekends bomb the sneak action by bonus league a journalist kip holden will be asking will shock and labor manage to win a game sometime soon im sure their fans really want a good roeser of for them so do send us your questions for him to be addresses on your screen now its time to say goodbye will be back of course since its hard to over. Here so much great moments from the weekend so far so for me and the rest of the team here. We talked to sasha. Choreographer constantly pushing the limits of Dance Theater the funny thing was. The high school shes been dancing against the current for twenty five years where does she get her energy from me. Next w. The pain still tangible. For god. To cities and strive more. Have survived but do they also have a future. Out of darkness cities after war in forty five minutes on d w. The first time im doing detailing. The article you have incredible its a whole new world of. Online insiders space. Its a new era of s
Not send anyone to that. Also coming up tonight a no deal breaks it is looking more likely by the day and britain is preparing if not expecting the worst so were being a bit balanced to mail a stick were not expecting that the unexpected power cuts frequent may have more rationing of power much like the seventys where there was set times of the day when i wouldnt be in power. Oh we begin the day with the reality and restrictions under which women in saudi arabia still live today and it took a young saudi woman barricaded in her hotel room to remind us eighteen year old. Says that she feared her family would kill her because she has renounced is law and her plan was to fly to australia today via thailand to apply for asylum travelling outside the country without permission from a man is forbidden for saudi women or during a layover in bangkok says that she had to lock herself inside a hotel room with police waiting outside to send her home tonight we can report that she is safe and stil
Its 2 in the morning and when chicago is getting ready to go to iraq. Hes a jewish north london with a point to prove. Who is going to even believe that there were jews in iraq. I can no longer carry on living as if nothing else happened i tell my son that he was born in finchley and this was where his as a story started. We have gotten possible off iraq and i would let go. And when wants to buy a house north of baghdad its so that he can say the iraqi jews still have a stake in their home in. The snow as a movie like this is being taken as long as our house is being told the jews of iraq. We are still there. And that gives me the sense of belonging. For decades baghdad has meant violence. And the last place most people would want to call home especially the jews. But it wasnt always soon. Not diamond got no clothes still i think im a lucky guy i got a son and ambled of mine. I 1st came across the jews of baghdad when i was asked to catalog an archive. It belonged to the family of davi
Agrawal told ET that he will continue to work with the fund in a "non-executive capacity for some time." His departure means only three partners will be left at the firm – Saleem Asaria, Vaidhehi Ravindran and Kartik Srivatsa.