Volvo Trucks Launches One-Stop Online Parts Shop
Photo: Volvo Trucks North America
Though COVID-19 vaccines have begun rolling out, the demand for remote services is higher than ever. With the launch of a new one-stop online parts shop called PartsASIST, Volvo Trucks North America is taking yet another step toward enhancing customer convenience.
As of yesterday, all Volvo Trucks North America customers can register for PartsASIST, an evolution of the existing Volvo SELECT Part Store that enables them to order parts from the manufacturer’s dealership network across the United States and Canada.
Volvo says the new 24/7 service comes with several notable upgrades and features compared to the last one, including “performance up to 10 times faster” and a more streamlined process that saves you steps and time between logging in, searching and ordering parts, and tracking their delivery.