egyptians, the gulf states and we cannot wait. i believe we need to go and boots on the ground to destroy isis where they exist, particularly in iraq and&y short-term, i would support no-fly zones. i have proposed them with sanctuaries for refugees not to have to leave to be jordanians. people like the kurdseín$ and perhaps kryñ some humanitarian and the saudis if they will look out for these people. but&dxqlxhu president i mean, look, at the end of thelñ2ñ day, martha, thisntld is an attack n western civilization. we saw today that thedì stadium. thi3fullnot going to go away. you have got to go to the root of this problem and ideas. the judeo-christian western ethic needs to be promoted throughoutld( we are for, freedom of speech, freedom tor]+[ gather. equality for and some things and not the path to death like isis represents.