On March 31, the Turks went to the ballot box to elect mayors for their cities. Ostensibly the election results marked President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan s 15thconsecutive election victory since his (Islamist) Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to
The conservative women vote played an important role in bringing Erdogan’s AKP to power two decades ago. But according to polls, that segment of Turkish society is looking for alternatives as AKP became too conservative for their taste.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expanded the number of political parties affiliated with his "People’s Alliance" to include a far-right Islamist party: Huda Par, a religiously conservative Kurdish political party. Huda Par is an extremist entity linked to Turkish Hezbollah. While not affiliated with the Lebanese equivalent, Turkish Hezbollah retains links to Iran. It is widely perceived to be a sponsor of terrorism, and its leaders are on record for stating their belief that "Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization."