A cheetah strayed out of the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh and was spotted in a village in Rajasthan's Karauli on Saturday, a forest department official said. Karauli Wildlife Deputy Conservator of Forest Piyush Sharma said, "Information was received about a wild animal in Simara village., India News - Times Now
Cheetah Deaths in Kuno National Park are not due to radio collar as per the MoEFCC. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) clarified the actual reason that out of the 20 adult cheetahs that were translocated, 5 of them died due to natural reason. Details below , India News, Times Now
India News: BHOPAL: The ambitious Project Cheetah in India suffered a significant setback on Friday as yet another cheetah was found dead within the confines of M.