Stakeholders in the plantation sector debated the opportunities for tapping the carbon market potential for the sector at a seminar organized by the Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bengaluru in collaboration with the United Planters Association of South India (UPASI) and The Indian Tea Association.
Reconciling India’s Climate and Industrial Targets: A Policy Roadmap.
India has performed remarkably well in terms of its climate trajectory over the past decade. From 2005 to 2014, the country’s GHG-emission intensity declined by 21 percent.
[1] According to Climate Transparency, India is the only G20 nation on-track to achieve the targets under the Paris Agreement.
[2] One of the key, albeit unfortunate, reasons behind India’s climate success is the underperformance of its manufacturing sector. Since industries constitute approximately one-fourth of the economy’s total GHG emissions,
[3] the sector’s sluggish growth has led to only a moderate increase in industrial power demand and emission-intensity of the gross domestic product (GDP).