Direct flight time from Lilongwe to Fitiuta. Flying time between Kumuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi and Fitiuta Airport, Fitiuta, American Samoa. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Lilongwe & Fitiuta. Lilongwe Airport to Fitiuta Airport (LLW to FTI) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Lilongwe to Sheghnan. Get exact flying time between Kumuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi and Sheghnan Airport, Sheghnan, Afghanistan. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Lilongwe & Sheghnan. Lilongwe Airport to Sheghnan Airport (LLW to SGA) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Lilongwe to Newcastle. Get exact flying time between Kumuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi and Williamtown Airport, Newcastle, Australia. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Lilongwe & Newcastle. Lilongwe Airport to Newcastle Airport (LLW to NTL) flight duration and operating airlines.
Direct flight time from Lilongwe to Bloomfield. Flying time between Kumuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi and Bloomfield Airport, Bloomfield, Australia. One stop & 1+ stop flight time between Lilongwe & Bloomfield. Lilongwe Airport to Bloomfield Airport (LLW to BFC) flight duration and operating airlines.
Flight time from Lilongwe to Mechria. Get exact flying time between Kumuzu International Airport, Lilongwe, Malawi and Mechria Airport, Mechria, Algeria. Direct flight time, one stop & 1+ stop flight time between Lilongwe & Mechria. Lilongwe Airport to Mechria Airport (LLW to MZW) flight duration and operating airlines.