On July 31, a video was received by Mukkis son, Naresh Kumar, in which the former was seen chained around his neck, hands, and legs and being thrashed by sticks with an automatic weapon aimed at his head.
On July 31, a video was received by Mukki’s son Naresh Kumar, where the former was seen chained around neck, hands and legs, and being thrashed by sticks with an automatic weapon aimed at his head. In the video the victim is seen pleading with the kidnappers for mercy, while asking his family to pay the bandits as sum of PKR 5 crores for his release. Hindu Businessman Kidnapped in Pakistan: Jagdish Kumar Mukki Abducted, Tortured From Kashmore District of Sindh Province; Pakistan Rupees 5 Crore Ransom Demanded (Watch Video).
Pakistan News: KARACHI: The abductors of a Hindu businessman, whom they kidnapped from Kashmore district of Sindh province, have demanded a whopping ransom of Pakist.