The BJP s Manoj Sonkar secured victory in the Chandigarh mayoral election with 16 votes, while AAP s Kuldeep Kumar received 12 votes. The results triggered allegations of fraud from the Congress-AAP alliance, citing the declaration of eight invalid votes and accusing the presiding officer of tampering with ballot papers. AAP s candidate filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court seeking the invalidation of the polls and a fresh election under the supervision of a retired HC judge. The BJP refuted the fraud claims.
The presiding officer announced rejection of eight votes, declared the BJP candidate the winner and went away. BJP members rushed to the table and tore off the ballot papers, says Congress
AAP leader Raghav Chadha on Tuesday questioned the Chandigarh mayoral poll process and said they will approach the Punjab and Haryana High Court seeking fresh elections.
BJP candidate Manoj Sonkar defeated the AAP s Kuldeep Kumar for the mayor s post, polling 16 votes against the 12 won by his rival. Eight votes were declared invalid. BJP nominees Kuljit Sandhu and Rajinder Sharma were declared elected to the posts of senior deputy mayor and deputy mayor, respectively as they secured 16 votes each.
Councillors from the two INDIA bloc parties created a ruckus in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation House as the result for the mayor's post was declared, and boycotted the next phase elections to the posts of senior deputy mayor and deputy mayor