0 i didn t ask about the menu, but i did see an empty played with from. we can also report exclusivelyha ttonight that after finishing his food, little joe used the big boy . good for him. get your usa made freedom matters, get a lawyer and give .com all the proceeds. g go to the woodson center this month. it s awesome. i gavenor one to the governor and senator. enjoyoy it. lorenc of .com gutfeld that ok they would be happy freaky a friday. i hope you had a glorious week. i did. i got a warrimoo notre intentionallymo. ch i got drunk last night and passed out in the kitchen i with my hand panini makern burnt that sucker right off. i also recently had a mole removed. you know, when chris wallace went to cnn unnecessary. i don t even know them. who cares? but i had that word forever, so i figured my name is brianig kilmeade. it reminded me of him because it was small, unsightly and annoying. but speaking of kilmeade, you ever heard of the word thirsty as it s used in current s
institutions and system in order to collapse it. so these east coast mayorsay might be complaining about the immediate issue of the strain of resources on their cities. but the bush administration is never going to intervenedmdm and stop the transfer of illegals because they have their eyes on a much biggerey prize, which is the fundamental transformation of the nation. that s been their goal all along. and republicans better get get with it to beat it back . monica, wonderful to see you as always. and sometimes it can seem likeca an exaggeration when republicans claim they re comingng for your guns, right. you don t believe it. but one exchange during a gun control hearing today in congress put that to rest . the congressman who elicited the shocking admission, he s here next. it s the number testosterone booster and it s available at wal-mart nationwide. ageless male best made with a whopping six hundred seventy six milligrams of ksm.
has been amazing to watch. missouri attorney generalen. eric schmidt and texas lieutenant governor dan patrick are next . plusasas, some breaking news ouf a smuggling ring gone bad in texas tonight . tonight that is horrific. stay there. that is horrific. father, hi. this is mike huckabee. isn t it amazing how so much that president trump said still rings true , but schools in the media don t want our kids to hear anything positive and that s why my team created the kids guide to president trump . it ll teach our kids all about president trump s accomplishments and his vision for america. and i want you to have it for free to order your free give the president trump gift bundle. just visit three trump guy .com. that s three trump guy .com. it s the number one testosterone booster and it s available at wal-mart nationwide. ageless male made with a whopping six hundred seventy six milligrams of ksm.
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