Kusama (KSM) traded up 1% against the U.S. dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 22:00 PM ET on September 2nd. One Kusama coin can currently be bought for approximately $19.06 or 0.00073659 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. Kusama has a market capitalization of $163.88 million and $6.64 million worth of Kusama was traded on […]
Kusama (KSM) traded 0.3% higher against the U.S. dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 0:00 AM Eastern on September 1st. One Kusama coin can now be bought for approximately $19.03 or 0.00073886 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges. Kusama has a market capitalization of $163.65 million and $12.13 million worth of Kusama was traded on […]
Kusama (KSM) traded 2.2% lower against the dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 13:00 PM Eastern on August 30th. One Kusama coin can currently be purchased for about $19.51 or 0.00071714 BTC on exchanges. Over the last week, Kusama has traded down 3.1% against the dollar. Kusama has a total market capitalization of […]
writing, short of the death penalty, plotters would be unacceptable and constitute failure of leadership on the part of the department of defense. family member terry strada lost her husband expressing disappointment to you guys. it feels like betrayal. feels like the government is choosing to protect the mastermind and perpetrators involved with 9/11. the family deserves accountability for the murder of our loved ones. griff: plea deal, no decision made and trial date yet to be set for ksm and the terrorists. todd: another head scratcher. thank you. two years ago today president biden caught checking his watch as 13 fallen service members
there s growing outrage over a possible plea deal between the federal government and khalid sheikh mohammed, the suspected mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. the agreement would allow the man known as ksm along with his four alleged co-conspirators to avoid the death penalty and a public trial in exchange for pleading guilty. the possible agreement now prompting fierce backlash from victims families, with thousands signing a letter to president biden urging him to oppose any plea deal. bret ehlingson is the author of the letter, he lost his father in the world trade center attack. bret, thank you so much for joining us. you have said your many objection to a plea deal isn t the defendants escaping the death penalty but the lack of a public trial. can you talk about that? yeah. thank you for having me.