side. a new filing trying to end the whole probe, trying endqag:-tút matter where there is)# nosw[% case against trump, but he s arguing there>iihz of alleged bias )(q basically emerging from those grand jurors who spoke out, details on the probe. the filing is antb8ñbyhá#vz÷] ae by the georgia defense lawyer with a prominent record, long befo3wf+,)gfhe is took this tru> finley was president of the national association of the criminal defenseúkmjvwf he ss)ñ represented topi3 likeu,3ú■ gucci mane6z@2q inç;ba cardi b., and he s made argue !rañ,e put the system itself on trial. tonight, it seems like more ■■p)e. ifx>@;ñd least rising heat in more than