schools and pouring more money into them to fail more children, we need to allow public and private options. milwaukee offers vouchers and not full-out vouchers, because it is private option, and the but if you have a straight voucher system, some families can home school and not lose the family s income, because they made that decision. we will have a different discussion on vouchers, because we will have you back a lot, but roland, what are you seeing? well, what is happening in kansas city is a good example. how can we continue to fund a system based on a 1970s model? etch ri si every one of the s districts have to make a hard core decisions, and the parents say, i went here and don t shut down this school, but if it is not helping the child today, you cannot make decisions based on 20 to 30 years ago. so applying strong business practices to organizing the schools. if the money is not there, you