Indonesia, Flood and Landslide in 23 Sub-Districts of North Aceh District, Aceh Province (14:59 Dec 10 2020)
On Saturday, 5 December 2020, heavy rain caused Krueng Jambo Aye river overflowing to areas of North Aceh and Bener Meriah Districts: Krueng Keureuto, Krueng Pirak , Krueng Peto, Krueng Pase, Krueng Senom dan Krueng Sawang. Flood occurred in 23 Sub-Districts; water surface height was 50-200 cms. Landslide occurred in Paya Bakong and Langkahan Sub-Districts.
At this moment, there has been 170 evacuation points. 19,088 households and 60,658 people have been recorded, these numbers are likely to increase because data has not yet completely and/or some evacuated persons have returned to home.