The ASEAN Summits in Cambodia were many months ago, but most of the domestic and international guests are sure to remember an exhibition of Cambodian products at the event. One of the highlights for many visitors were a series of small colourful masks
The ASEAN Summits in Cambodia were many months ago, but most of the domestic and international guests are sure to remember an exhibition of Cambodian products at the event. One of the highlights for many visitors were a series of small colourful masks, clad in the costumes of Preah Ream and Princess Sita, two characters from the Reamker, a classic Khmer epic poem.
Lacquer mask or face mask is a type of classical Khmer art that was very popular in ancient times, for instance the Longvek era. Seen during theatrical performances, the masks are made for characters in Khmer mythology Reamker, such as Hanuman, Preah Ream (Rama), Preah Leak (Lakshmana), Krong Reap (Ravana) and monkey warriors.