Its a significant step forward for us. From the kick starter edition. Its six times faster, its got double the memory, twice the usb ports, and its filled with these wonderful new creative projects. Theres make arts, which is a digital easel to learn code by painting characters and fractels. Its immediate, and the game mechanic is step by step. You learn how to type simple commands, magic spells we call them. And you see beautiful washes of color and shapes appear before your eyes. Weve also creative a narrative adventure called terminal quest, which i think some people in this audience who came up on the commodore 64 may enjoy. Terminal quest is a mystery, a narrative mystery told step by step, where you use linux command spells to unlock new powers, save your town and borrow into basically a new world. You go down the rabbit hole, you try to solve the mystery, you dont realize it, but youre learning about the linux command line spells that make a lot of the modern world work. Another