With ConVal’s prom a month away, high-schoolers are deciding who to go with, what to do before and after and what to wear.But for some students, said school counselor Kim Humphrey, finding the right outfit might not be so simple.“I just know that we.
Published: 11/9/2020 5:25:48 PM
A unique extended learning partnership between Monadnock Community Hospital and ConVal High School has created opportunities for students both in the region and all across the country.
For years, Monadnock Community Hospital and ConVal High School have shared a long-term partnership giving students an insider perspective into the medical field. Up until this school year, students with interest in medicine have signed on to observe and participate within a certain department at the hospital, gaining knowledge that can be invaluable when choosing what to pursue in college.
Wylie Kendall, a senior at ConVal, was all set for an internship in pediatrics this fall.